This past week Wiha Tools USA was very excited to welcome the entire German and U.S. Wiha Boards of Directors on location in Monticello, MN to meet and greet each other, and to discuss the future of Wiha Tools in general.
The key leaders of the company including founder Willi Hahn, President of Wiha Germay Wilhelm Hahn, and German Chief of Marketing and Sales Ronnie Lindskog were in attendance joined by managing director Patrick DiPerno, presenting to the entire Wiha Tools USA Office and Warehouse Staff.
The discussion centered around the positive growth of the company as a whole and highlighted the importance of an ongoing development of mutual support between Wiha Tools Germany and Wiha Tools USA.
The presentation, taking place during lunch on Tuesday, featured Wilhelm Hahn and Ronnie Lindskog delivering very exciting news, to include details about facility renovations taking place at a number of Wiha production locations, building upgrades and new equipment investments to keep up with global demand.
Finally, the German team announced new products in the pipeline of development and manufacturing. Stay tuned into the Wiha Tools USA blog to be the first to hear about those public announcements.

Wiha Tools USA Staff with German & USA Boards of Directors